shush - Run a command and optionally report  its  output  by


     shush [ -h | -V ]

     shush [ -c dir ] [ -S | -s facility ] [ -vfmk ] name

     shush [ -c dir ] [ -H to ] [ -R to ] [ -T to  ]  -C  name  [
     stdout [ stderr ] ]

     shush [ -i | -u | -r ] [ -c dir ]


     shush runs a command and optionally reports  its  output  by
     mail.  It is a useful wrapper around cron jobs.  By default,
     shush will not produce any output when running as everything
     (if  anything)  is reported by mail.  However, configuration
     as well as critical errors will be reported on the  standard
     error  and  (optionally) syslog.  Because interrupting shush
     has dire consequences including the loss of any output  from
     the command, the following commonly used signals are ignored
     by shush:  SIGHUP, SIGINT,  SIGQUIT  and  SIGTERM.   If  one
     really wants to kill a running instance of shush rather than
     killing the running managed command, SIGKILL may be used and
     shall  serve  as a reminder of how inappropriate such action
     typically is.

     For a command to be run using shush,  a  configuration  file
     name must exist in the configuration directory ($HOME/.shush
     by default). This file defines how the command should be run
     as well when to send reports by mail.  For details on avail-
     able configuration options, see  the  CONFIGURATION  section

     Two additional configuration files  may  exist:  name.stdout
     and  name.stderr.  These files are used to analyze the stan-
     dard output and standard error  (respectively)  produced  by
     the  command.   Configuration lines are composed of a single
     character (a counter name) followed by a regular expression.
     Each  line  of output is matched against this list until the
     first match is found.  When a match is found, the associated
     counter is incremented by one.  Counters may be used in con-
     ditional expressions, allowing to base the decision to  send
     a  mail report on how many times certain regular expressions
     have been matched.   Regular  expressions  may  define  sub-
     expressions  which  will be will be rendered in bold in mail
     reports.  Lines starting with the  character  "#"  are  con-
     sidered  to  be comments and are ignored.  By default, stan-
     dard regular expressions are used, unless the first line  is
     "#pcre"  in  which  case Perl compatible regular expressions
     are used.

     When the -C option is specified, shush will  only  load  the
     configuration,  optionally  analyze  the standard output and
     standard error from the specified files and finally  produce
     sample reports if desired.  This may also be used to produce
     reports if shush failed to properly terminate when running a
     command.   (The  standard  output and error from the command
     are normally found in files located under /tmp.)

     shush is able to manage crontab(5) entries based  on  confi-
     gurations  defined  by the user.  This may be done using one
     of two ways.  If a file named "schedule" exists in the  con-
     figuration  directory, then it is read for scheduling infor-
     mation.  Each line should contain a single entry  containing
     three fields separated by whitespace(s).  The fields are (in
     order) the hostname for which the entry applies or the char-
     acter  "*"  to include all hosts, the configuration name and
     finally, the scheduling information in the same format as is
     used  by  the  schedule  option (see below).  If there is no
     file named "schedule", then shush checks  the  configuration
     directory  for  configuration  files  and  adds  them to the
     current user's crontab(5) file as specified by the  included
     schedule  option  (see below).  Files whose name starts with
     the character  "#"  or  ends  with  the  character  "~"  are


     -h   Display a brief help message.

     -V   Display the version information.   Prefix  with  -v  to
          display compile time defaults.

     -c dir
          Specify the directory where configurations are stored.

     -s facility
          Defines the syslog facility to use for logging.

     -S   Disable syslog logging.

     -v   Copy information log messages to the standard output.

     -f   Fast mode:  Any configured randomdelay is ignored.

     -m   Monitor and display the command's standard  output  and
          error in real time.

     -k   Keep the command's output log files instead of deleting
          them upon completion.

     -C   Check the configuration without running any command.

     -H to
          Send  a   sample   HTML   report   to   the   specified

     -R to
          Send  a  sample  enriched  report  to   the   specified

     -T to
          Send  a   sample   text   report   to   the   specified

     -i   Use crontab(1) to install a new crontab(5) file for the
          current user's.  The user must not already have a cron-
          tab(5) file.

     -u   Use crontab(1) to update the current user's  crontab(5)
          file which must already exist.

     -r   Remove any entry  added  by  the  -u  option  from  the
          current user's crontab(5).


     shush configuration files consist of a main section,  report
     section(s)  and parameters.  The main section defines global
     parameters as well as defaults  for  reports.   Each  report
     section begins with the name of the report between brackets.
     Lines beginning with the character "#" are ignored.  Parame-
     ters  should  be specified only once.  If specified multiple
     times, all but the last occurrence will be  ignored,  unless
     noted otherwise.  Parameters are defined using the following


     or optionally:


     The second format will be ignored unless shush is running on
     the specified hostname.

     The following parameters may appear in the main section:

          The actual command to run.

     lock If set, this option instructs shush to obtain lock file
          before  running the command, and defines the actions to
          take in case the lockfile is held by  another  process.
          The format is a comma separated list of actions.  Valid
          actions are: a time duration (during which shush should
          simply  wait  and  keep trying to obtain the lockfile),
          the string "abort" (indicating that shush  should  ter-
          minate immediately if the lockfile already exists), the
          string "ignore" (indicating that shush should ignore an
          existing lockfile), the string "loop" (to mark where to
          start again from when all actions have  been  executed)
          and  the string "notify=" followed by mail addresses to
          which a notification mail should be sent.  Actions  are
          executed in the order they are provided, and shush will
          wait forever trying to obtain the lockfile once all the
          actions have been executed  unless the string "loop" is
          one of defined actions.  Time durations may  be  speci-
          fied in units of w(eeks), d(ays), h(ours), m(inutes) or
          s(econds).  If not unit is specified, it is assumed  to
          be minutes.

          By default, shush will use a file located in  the  same
          directory  as  the  configuration file, and named after
          the  configuration  and  host  names.    An   alternate
          filename may be specified using this option.

          If set, this string will be used as  subject  for  lock
          notification(s) mail messages.

     path shush does not modify the environment,  except  to  set
          the PATH variable if the path option is set.

          If this option is set, shush will wait up the specified
          amount  of  time  before  starting  the  command unless
          invoked with the -f.  Valid time units are:  s(econds),
          m(inutes),  h(ours),  d(ays),  w(eeks).  If not unit is
          specified, it is assumed to be minutes.

          This defines when to run this command as a cron job  in
          a  crontab(5)  compatible format.  Multiple entries may
          be specified using  the  character  ";"  as  separator.
          Entries  prefixed by the character "#" will be skipped.
          This option is not directly used by shush  to  run  the
          command, but used by the -i and -u options.

          This may be used to override the command used  to  send

          By default, the Bourne shell sh(1) is used to  run  the
          command  allowing  any  shell  syntax  to  be used.  An
          alternate shell may be defined using this option.

          This defines how the command's standard errors are cap-
          tured  and  reported  to the user:  "first", "mixed" or
          "last".  When using "mixed", the  name.stderr  file  is

          This option is only used by the -i and -u  options  and
          has no other effect on shush.  It allows overriding the
          default syslog facility used for logging and defined at
          compile time.  If left blank, this supresses the use of

          This option allows one to control how long the  command
          may  run.   It  should  be  a  comma  separated list of
          actions.  Valid actions are: a  time  duration  (during
          which  shush should simply wait for the command to ter-
          minate), a signal (either  "SIGNAME"  or  "-SIGNUMBER")
          that should be sent the command's process group, a sig-
          nal (either "=SIGNAME" or "=SIGNUMBER") that should  be
          sent  the  shell  used to spawn the command, the string
          "loop" (to mark where to  start  again  from  when  all
          actions  have  been  executed) and the string "notify="
          followed by mail addresses to which a notification mail
          should be sent.  Actions are executed in the order they
          are provided, and shush will wait forever if  the  com-
          mand  is  still  running once all the actions have been
          executed unless the string "loop"  is  one  of  defined
          actions.   Time  durations may be specified in units of
          w(eeks), d(ays), h(ours), m(inutes) or  s(econds).   If
          not unit is specified, it is assumed to be minutes.

          If set, this string will be used as subject for timeout
          notification(s) mail messages.

     The following parameters may appear anywhere in  the  confi-
     guration.   If  specified  in  the main section, they define
     defaults settings that will apply to any  report  for  which
     the same parameter has not been defined.

     to, cc, bcc
          Where to send the mail report.

          Subject of the mail report.

          Additional mail header(s).  Note  that  this  parameter
          may  be repeated to specify multiple headers.  However,
          only headers from the report (if specified) or from the
          main section will be used for a given report.

          By default, specified subjects are  prefixed  with  the
          host name between brackets.  This option allows to cus-
          tomize this prefix.  A positive integer  indicates  how
          many hostname components should be shown.  With a nega-
          tive integer, trailing components of the  hostname  are
          shown.   The  integer  zero  indicates  that the prefix
          should be omitted.

          By default, specified subjects are  prefixed  with  the
          username  between brackets.  This option allows to dis-
          able this prefix.  Any non zero  value  indicates  that
          the username should be shown while zero causes the pre-
          fix to be omitted.

          Mail messages sending the output of the command may  be
          sent  in  three different format: "text" (the default),
          "enriched" text or "html".

          By default, the entire output of the command is sent in
          mail  reports.   This  option  may be used to limit the
          size of the output included in a report.  Note that the
          total  size  of mail sent will be greater as this limit
          has no effect upon  mail  headers.   The  size  can  be
          specified  in  units of m, k, b, c (MB, KB, Bytes).  If
          no unit is specified, it is assumed to be KB.  A  limit
          of  zero  indicates that the output should not be trun-

     if   A report is only sent if no if condition  is  specified
          or  if  the specified if condition is true.  The condi-
          tion syntax allows  for  the  usual  logical  operators
          ("||",  "&&",  "!"),  comparison operators ("==", "!=",
          "<", "<=", ">", ">=") and  basic  arithmetic  operators
          ("+", "-").  Asides from counters defined by the confi-
          guration, the following variables may be used:

               If the command terminated normally,  this  is  its
               exit  code.   Otherwise,  it is negative and indi-
               cates the signal number having caused the  command
               to  terminate  (e.g.  -1 indicates signal number 1
               caused the command to terminate).

               output  size  (in  bytes),  same  as  "$outsize  +

               size (in bytes) of standard output

               size (in bytes) of standard error

               number of lines output

               number of standard output lines

               number of standard error lines

               command run time (in seconds)

               user time used by the command

               system time used by the command

          $tty 1 if shush is run from a terminal  (e.g.  interac-
               tively), 0 otherwise.


     HOME If the -c option is not used, shush will look for  con-
          figuration files in $HOME/.shush.

          If  defined,  this  should  point  to  the  sendmail(1)
          binary.   This variable overrides the "sendmail" confi-
          guration setting and should be used with care.

          Directory where temporary files are created.


     The following configuration runs "shush  -c  /etc/shush  -u"
     daily at 9:00, updating the user (root) crontab:

          command=shush -c /etc/shush -u
          schedule=0 9 * * *
          lock=notify=root root-logs,abort
          timeout=5m,notify=root root-logs
          Subject=Crontab Daily Update
          if=$exit != 0 || $outlines != 1 || $errsize > 0 || U

     The associated configuration for standard output is:
          Oshush: crontab updated\.$

     and for standard error:

     A lock will be set while running the command, and mail  sent
     to  "root"  and  "root-logs"  if the lock is held by another
     process when shush starts.  A mail  will  also  be  sent  to
     "root"  and "root-logs" if "shush -c /etc/shush -u" runs for
     more than 5  minutes.   Upon  completion,  the  output  will
     always  be  sent  to  "root-logs".  Additionally, the output
     will be sent to "root" if the condition "$exit != 0 || $out-
     lines  !=  1  ||  $errsize  > 0 || U" is true.  For it to be
     true, one of the following must be true: the  exit  code  is
     non  zero,  there  was output on standard error or there was
     output on standard output other than the line "shush:  cron-
     tab  updated.".  Any line of output other than "shush: cron-
     tab updated." will be displayed in bold  in  mails  sent  to


     crontab(1), pcre(3), regex(3), sendmail(1), sh(1).


     The latest official release of shush  is  available  on  the
     web.  The home page is


     Christophe Kalt <>


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